League of Monsters: All Fiends Attack!!
Fall League 2024
Rules and Guidance
Welcome to the 2024 FFR Fall League. This is our yearly event that pits teams of racers against each other for a chance at glory. The Fall League is a six-week event, the first four of which are open to all teams, with semi-finals and finals taking place in weeks five and six respectively. We invite all interested players to come and join the league, form a team, and get ready for the delightful chaos of this year’s event.
Please make sure to have all members of your team read these rules, and the General Rules and Guidance for Tournaments and Leagues, before registering for this event.
About the League
Players will group up in teams of four (4), no more or less. Each week of the league will feature different flags (listed below in the “League Flags” section) and four races of that flagset (with different seeds) each week. Each player on the team must race once each week (and only once unless prior approval is given that week by the Fall League Staff).
Tournament Structure:
During the first four weeks, the League will be open to all teams. Once the first four weeks are over, points will be totaled and the top four teams will then compete in Week 5 for semi-finals (all other teams are, at this point, out of the League). For Week 5, points are reset to 0. At the end of Week 5, scores are totaled again and the top two teams will complete in the “Gold Medal” match, while the other two teams of week five can compete, if they so choose, in a “Bronze Medal” match.
As is tradition, the Finals Week races will be a 4v4 Rally Race (for Gold and Bronze). Details are provided in the General Rules and Guidance for Tournaments and Leagues.
Important Dates:
League Schedule:
Dates and times for the specific games will be settled closer to League start. When registering their teams (Fall League Registration Form), teams will need to indicate which days and times each of their players can handle. Scheduled days for the matches will be determined based on a schedule that will suit at least one day/time for each player on the team. The schedule will be created based on the submitted information for all players and we will ensure as best as possible that every player can make at least one race.
League Points:
Scoring for the races will be handled via “bins” (meaning that players that come within a certain amount of time from each other will score the same amount of points). This helps to “flatten” the scoring curve and keep competitive teams within closer distance of each other. A full breakdown of the bin system for scoring is available in the General Rules and Guidance for Tournaments and Leagues.
This League will also feature bonus point objectives. A die will be rolled (in the Bot Casino) before each race and that will determine which bonus goal will be selected. Doing the bonus goal will award your run an extra one (1) point. Once a bonus objective is rolled it will be removed from the week.
Additional points will be awarded for assisting with race crew during the week (1 point per slot filled, with a maximum number points per team determined by how many teams we have in the league).
League Flags and Bonus Objectives:
* Note: Flagsets may be subject to change before launch of league as some tweaks are made.
Spoiler Week:
This league will see the return of Spoiler Week. This time around, players will get their seed two days (48 Hours) in advance of their race. They will have that time to check out the seed, plan their route, and figure out just what they will do come race time. At the time of the race players will ready up as normal and wait until the race starts. They will then race as normal with full access to their notes. While they are allowed to use any knowledge they gained in the two days prior to their race, they are not allowed to sit in chat or a voice call with other members of their team, watch the vods, be in Twitch chat, or anything else not normally allowed in a race. They have to come with their wits and knowledge alone for the racec.
League Staff:
If you have any questions, feel free to shoot them at: Dani, Darkmoon, LordFizzlebeef, Matty, Oslodo, and/or Windfox.