The FFR community runs a great many events during the year. Winter Tournament, Summer Co-Op, Fall League, Bingo, Marathons… it's a lot. To keep things consistent, both for the expectations of players and to ease the burden of our event committees, the leadership team has compiled this set of rules and guidance that (unless certain clauses are otherwise modified by the oversight team for a specific event) will apply to FFR events.
Note that this guidance will change and evolve over time as new situations arise, new events are added to the schedule, new ideas are pointed out, etc. We recommend that before joining an event read (or re-read) these rules and guidelines even if you've read them before.
To participate in an FFR event you must be a member of the FFR Discord.
All single-player competitive matches will be run using You will be asked if you have an account when entering into the tournament; please make sure you do so. You may use a console or approved emulator to play. All races are blind.
The winner will be determined by the Racetime's timer, unless external technical difficulties are in place.
Gentlerunner's Agreements:
Gentlerunner's agreements are allowed (such as both runners must accomplish a random task), but if you make an agreement you must confirm it with the staffer in the race room, and you must honor that agreement. Failure to do so could result in vacating results of the race.
Note: Failure to inform the staffer in the race room of an agreement will render that agreement unenforceable.
Accidental Forfeits:
If you accidentally forfeit, please re-enter within 60 seconds of the forfeit. If the 60 seconds elapse, or you forfeit three (3) times in a race, the forfeit will be official. If you accidentally “.done” during the race before completing the race, let the tournament staff in the race know that it was an accident and re-enter the race as soon as possible.
Forfeits Due to Technical Issues:
If somebody has a technical issue that results in a forfeit (e.g. power loss, internet outage, hardware malfunction, software issues, etc.), please notify event staff as soon as possible! If you are unaware of the issue that caused the forfeit (e.g. LiveSplit integration betrayed you), staff will contact you as soon as possible via Discord and tell you of the issue.
Chatting During Races:
Any spoilers in race room chat (RTGG, FFR racebot, or otherwise) between the start and end of the race may result in penalties at the tournament organizers’ discretion. These penalties may range from a warning to disqualification from this and future tournaments. Please redirect all commentary about a seed, while the race is still in progress, to the appropriate discord channel, and please save all comment commands for after the race is done.
If you are not directly involved in the race, do not type anything in the RTGG room until the race is finished, and non-runners (broadcast crew) should only use the channel for required business (such as adjusting on-stream timers or declaring a reseed).
Recording Races:
All races require a recording of your run, win or lose. This is to ensure that any race can be watched back by tournament leads, in case any questions about anything during a race occur. Race vods are 100% required for winning runs, but as an example, if one races is, for some reason, disqualified and the other runner doesn't have a vod of their run (because they cut stream, didn't save their run, or never uploaded their run at all), both players would have to be disqualified at that point.
As such, any official FFR Event (i.e., not just a casual, for fun, race) requires on-demand videos available from each player for restreams, Bikke broadcasts, and monitoring/checking by committee and admins. Such videos should remain accessible at least for the duration of the tournament. For races with 10 minute delay, make sure to let your 10 minutes play out, even if you've forfeited, before you cut stream.
It is also advised that all players give a few extra seconds (30s or so) at the end of their run before cutting stream just to ensure synching with Twitch or any other streaming service of your choice for posting.
Anti-Cheating Policy:
Cheating is not tolerated in community races. This includes, but is not limited to: using any external programs to analyze a ROM, looking at your competitor’s stream or chat, looking at the restream or the restream chat, or hacking the ROM to give yourself any sort of advantage. Any cheating discovered will result in penalties ranging from a forfeit of the race or instant disqualification from the tournament. Additionally, bans on participation in future FFR events or events organized by other communities may be sanctioned depending on the nature of the offense.
We require that all entrants keep their stream on emote only mode during official races.
Leadership Participants:
If you are in a leadership position (admin, arbiter, committee lead, team lead, etc.) and you are playing in an event, you are not allowed to be involved in decisions that would affect your participation (race qualifications, placement, scheduling, etc.). This is a long standing FFR rule (since the very first tournament we ever held) and it ensures that all decisions made during a tournament are fairly and impartially handled. If you are leadership and a conflict with a race, series, event, et al arises, you are automatically recused from decisions involving your participation.
When event flags include Procedurally Generated (ProcGen) world maps, runners will be given the opportunity to begin the game and look at the map prior to the start of the race. Once the seed is rolled by the race monitor, runners will be able to begin the game prior to the gate being dropped. Runners will be allowed to look at the map and make a screen copy or drawing as they see fit. Players will NOT be allowed to perform any other action prior to the race beginning. If a racer inadvertently moves their character from the starting sport, they will be able to reset the seed with no penalty (however the gate may be dropped while this is happening, and there may be no allowance for that).
How to Access an Animated GIF of the Mini-Map in BizHawk:
FFR has events that allow for some races to be run asynchronously (async). These races will be run on the FFR Discord and the exact specifications for how those races will be run will be noted in the specific events' rule sheets. However, these general guidelines will always apply:
Co-op Technical Requirements:
Co-Op Race Rules:
League Scoring:
Bin scoring works as a way to flatten scores and keep points competitive. Players will get sorted into bins, which will in turn assign points, based on their (and others') placement within a race:
Semi-Finals Scoring:
Once all the semi-final teams are determined, all scores are zeroed out and the remaining teams start fresh. This levels the playing field and eliminates a chance that a team comes into semis already statistically out of the running.
Instead of doing scoring bins for Semi-Finals, we'll instead be doing straight hard scores for 1st (10 points), 2nd (7 points), 3rd (5 points), and 4th (3 points). If, somehow, more than four teams make it into semi-finals (due to ties at the end of Week 4), 5th Place and below will get 0 points.
And to be clear: forfeits get zero (0) points, not two (2) points, during Semi-Finals. You must finish your race to score points.
Points will be awarded each race, and then tabulated at the end to determine who moves on to Finals.
Finals Scoring:
Teams of four race, co-op style, and the last member of the team across the finish line determines the team's time. Fastest time wins all the marbles. No points, just race as fast as you can.
How the Finals “Relay” Race Works:
For the Finals “Relay” week, the seed (which will be rolled the night of right before the race) will be run “co-op style”, 4v4 on a single night. All players from both teams will run the same seed and all will need to be in the race room, online, and ready to run for race start. They’ll get the seed, set up their party, go to the overworld, and “ready up”. The trick here is that only one person from the team will start playing at race start (with player order chosen by the team); the other three will be “waiting their turn”, sitting on the sidelines, watching (via discord) and taking (shared) notes. When the first player (call them Player A for the sake of this discussion) kills their first fiend (any fiend), Player B on their team gets to go. Player A and B continue playing and and when Player B kills the second fiend (they need to light a second orb, any orb, and while they can also kill the first fiend as well, that doesn’t count), Player C gets to start (Player A killing a second fiend also does not count). All three players continue to play, and when Player C kills the third fiend (lighting a third orb, and not killed by Player A or Player B), Player D gets to start. All four then continue playing, and once Player D kills the last fiend (lighting the last orb, and not killed by Player A, B, or C), the players are all then allowed to light the Black Orb, enter the final dungeon, and hunt down the final boss. The team is finished when all four players kill the final boss.
Please note that during the “Relay” week, players are allowed to sit in discord and not only chat with each other in a voice room but also share their screens (to assist with taking notes and planning out routing) and your notes. They are not allowed to watch other teams, nor may they take their rom into Hackster and check it over for spoilers. This flagset is intended for Co-Op and, as such, will require the use of the co-op script and the emulator that can use that script, Bizhawk.
Player Drops and Replacements:
We understand that sometimes players' schedules don't always align perfectly with the league dates. Sometimes life has its little emergencies, and we all have long term plans that can get in the way of scheduling. If, for some reason, you have a week where you simply cannot play you need to (1) let the League Staff know what is going on and (2) arrange a sub-in from one of the other players on your team to fill in for your shift. A team can sub-in one player for another on their team twice (in total) across all their shifts during the main part of the League.
During semi-finals, if a player on a team cannot participate, another player from their team may sub in. A team can only do this once across the week.
Also note that if, for some reason, a player has to drop from the league, the team can find a replacement to fill in. That replacement must finish out the league (so a player can't drop and then the next week miraculously come back) and they must not already be an active participant in the league. Also, if more than one player on a team drops from the league, that team has to forfeit out the rest of their matches.
While unlikely, ties are possible. In the Final Fantasy Randomizer community, a race will be retimed if both players finish within three (3) seconds or less of each other. If this occurs, a tournament staffer will retime the race off the Twitch streams from both players. If the final time is within 1 second between the players, the race will be considered a tie. If this occurs during group races, the tie will stand. If it occurs during one-on-one (or two-on-two, team-on-team, etc.) matches, the match will need to be re-run. If it occurs during a series of matches (such as best-of-3, best-of-5, etc.) an extra game will be added to the series.
Throughout competitive events runners will be able to use trackers to help track key items and locations checked. Unless otherwise allowed by an event planning committee and the rules document they put forth:
Quality of Life Flags:
If you are being restreamed, the following Quality of Life flags will be required:
This request is to accommodate spectators who may be photosensitive. If you fail to make this accommodation, you will not be featured on future restreams unless you enable these features in your next race.
Stream Requirements:
Custom Sprites:
Players may use their fun graphical hacks for their game. That is, of course, with the caveat that the rom must pass the “Tournament Safe” flag, so players will really only be able to edit their hero sprites. Players may use their fun graphical hacks for their game and maybe make other minor adjustments.
If the sprites are not recognizable as the traditional heroes of the game, the players must name their characters after the classes being used (i.e., FI, TH, BB, RM, BM, WM). As an example, using FF3 versions of the sprites is fine and does not require players to adjust the character names, but using Ranma 1/2 sprites, or Breath of Fire sprites, or Castlevania sprites, etc.. isn’t as easy to understand and would require conformed, basic names for the characters. And, of course, character names, and hero sprites, must conform to the above standards listed (so no swear words for character names, and no offensive or NSFW sprites of any kind, etc.). Questionable sprites should be sent to a Tournament Organizer for review/approval.
While on stream, and in interviews afterwards, players are expected to behave professionally and act to the expected standards for on-air behavior. This includes, but is not limited to: no inappropriate language, no rants about the other player, no rants about the tournament, no rants about the format, no rants about the streaming service, etc. This extends not only to the on-air portion of the event but to Twitch chat and public-facing Discords as well. Anyone that acts in a manner counter to the professional attitude and bearing we expect from our players at this event will be disqualified from the tournament.