Lich's Low-Limit Table
2020 Spring Tournament Side Event
Rules & Guidance
Hello everyone, I would like to bring you all a side event at the Monte Chaos Casino: Lich’s Low Limit Tables! This is an event open to all, EXCEPT those who have made a strong tournament run in the past, as defined as:
Our flagset is SIMILAR to the Monte Chaos Casino with the free ship & loose canal, except that there are zero loose key items in treasures, all four fiend dungeons are “incentivized”, and there are more ‘dead end’ items in the incentive pool.
Additionally this features ‘blursed’ (blessed/cursed) weapons and armor and some of the other new conveiences of beta!
The format of this is:
Players will earn points based on their race performance:
Each round, racers will be matched into new groups with similar scores. After the 3rd round, any players outside the top 8 in points will be eliminated (with 16 entrants, this is a cutoff at 18 points.) After 4 rounds, a finals race with the top 4 players will take place (a tiebreaker race will be used if there is a tie for who gets into top 4) with the placement within the final race determining tournament placement regardless of previous point totals.
If you’re interested, please sign up here this weekend – we plan to start this event on Thursday May 27, and players can expect to do 2 races per week which are 4-way races – one on Thursday ~ Saturday and one on Sunday ~ Wednesday. Signups close at midnight PDT on Monday, May 25.
The finals will be the weekend after the finals of the Monte Chaos Casino Spring Tournament main event, the weekend of June 20th.
Finally, there will be a reduced focus on having all of these races broadcast, as our broadcast crew needs a little bit of a break after doing so much work on the Spring Tournament. Our race crews plan to schedule one group for a broadcast each round, for a broadcast held in the evening.