SpeedGaming Live 2021
Rules & Guidance
As a top-level featured tournament, FFR will be in a unique position this year going into SpeedGaming Live. We’ll have a place of prominence, garnering a large audience as our members battle it out for a chance at the $3,000+ prize pool. That kind of exposure is worth more to the community than the cash pot, so we as a community need to ensure that we handle all aspects of the tournament with professionalism and good sports-person-like conduct. SGLive has a number of requirements for their tournament, and we need to abide by their policies, and FFR’s own internal policies, as we participate in this event.
If you are interested in the tournament, make sure to thoroughly read these guidelines, then proceed to the SGLive site to register for the FFR tournament. This will take place on smash.gg this year, so please remember to make an account on this platform before you begin racing in any of the Qualifiers. (https://smash.gg/tournament/speedgaming-live-2021/events).
The Basics of the Tournament
The tournament will be handled in three phases: the opening qualifiers, which will determine the seeding for the tournament proper, a “pods” round for the week leading up to the Tournament (October 27th-November 3rd), followed by a “Sweet Sixteen” final brackets stage consisting of a Best of Three Format. The first phase will be handled in the run up to the actual live event. This will be seven weeks of racing, (on various days and times to accommodate our diverse runners and their schedules).
There will be nine chances to race with runners encouraged to race three times to give themselves the best average for seeding; there is no maximum that a runner can race, they just need to race at least three times and you race as many as you like (even all nine if you wish). To keep things simple, all racers will get a score attained by averaging their three fastest races over this period. This stands in contrast to how things were done last year.
In the past any additional race a runner raced would have resulted in their top score being dropped, and then an average top three would have been created. This had the effect of discouraging runners from doing more than three races, even if one of their scores was bad. That is why this year we are taking an average of the top three scores, whatever they may be. This will let runners race as many times as they like without worrying about how it will negatively affect their score (it won't).
Additionally, and to stay consistent and fair, if a runner is only able to race once or twice during qualifiers they will still have their "total" time divided by three (which may be one race with two zeroes or two races with a single zero added together). If a runner attends fewer than three races their times will be totaled and divided by 3. These additional times will be filled by the slowest, and second slowest times across the entire Qualifier timeframe
Seeding for this tournament will be an average of all of the races. If you want to race in all nine to try to improve your time and seeding position, you can as there is nothing stopping you. There is no limitation or penalty for racing more than three qualifiers. We only ask that to give yourself the best average of time that you attempt to race at least three. Runners who have raced a minimum of three qualifiers will be seeded before someone who has raced only once or twice. This will be done to reward those who have made the effort to reach the asked number of qualifiers. Runners who have raced two or fewer qualifiers will be seeded second and so forth to the runners who have met the three race minimum. As far as a DNF or a .ff in a race, you will receive the last place time +15 minutes. This is the same as last year. Scoring for seeding will be as follows as well: Top three times of a runner/3. Thats it, nothing fancy, no tricks, just your three best times divided by three. This should encourage more racing and opportunity for runners to improve their positioning.
Scores are created by: (1) taking the minutes and converting them straight to points (1 minute, 1 point), and then (2) converting seconds to partial points via seconds / 60 * 100. Quit races will get a score based on the highest race score (last place) + 15 points. Anyone that doesn't do 3 races will get the highest possible score in the 9 races as their "filler" scores
The same flagset will be used for all these races, to reduce variance, and only those who race in the qualifiers will have a seeded berth in the tournament -- if you don’t get seeded you’ll be entered last in the pods. There are 80 total slots available in the tournament, though, so the process of selecting entrants in the tournament is:
We would like to see entrants try to race at least three of the qualifiers over the seven week period to garner proper seeding and remove any variance. Dates and times listed are for the qualifiers and they are scheduled to avoid conflict with Fall League game days. Please, if you are interested in playing in this tournament, attempt to make the effort to do three qualifiers. We would like serious players who have the time to commit to this but also understand this is a game and life can get in the way.
For the week leading into the tournament proper (October 27th through November 3rd), players will be broken out into pods. The pods will be populated by the seeded placements, with a set number of pods -- 16, if we have a full 80 players, with less depending on the turnout. As an example, in this scenario the top 16 seeded runners will be spread across the pods, then the next 16 in reverse order (like a snake), then the next 16, until each pod is comprised of a fixed number of players -- four, if total number of players is 32 or under; 5 players per pod if we’re over 32 players total. Players will run races in their pods against their three (or four) competitors, with everyone having a chance to race the others in their pods. These races must take place in the week allotted before the Main Tournament starts on November 5th, 2021. Then we’ll take their win-loss scores from there and populate the brackets, with undefeateds populating in first. If there are not enough undefeated players to populate a 16-player bracket, we will then run a play-in race to populate the last (however many) slots.
From this point forward the tournament shifts to a BEST of Three Format. Players will face off in the bracket, winner moves on, losers goes home.
Participants in the tournament must be available to play in both the qualifiers and the live brackets during the tournament. If you will be unable to participate in any part of this, your slot in the tournament will be given to another player.
Note, this tournament is for a cash prize. This prize pool is based on donations from interested community members (who donated out of the goodness of their own hearts) as well as SG Live graciously adding to the pool. If, for some reason, you do not like the idea of FFR having a cash pool for a tournament, even one being run by another organization (i.e., SpeedGaming), do not participate in the tournament. We have been invited to participate, but we only want those actually interested in being in the tournament to apply. This is a game that we play to have fun, so remember that please… even though money is involved this time.
The Committee has decided that the top 16 players will gain at least a portion of the prize pool. Payouts are as follows:
This will give all entrants to brackets some payback for the great job they have done making it that far. Please understand that some thought was put into how to make this fair for everyone and this was the consensus that makes the most sense.
Requirements for Participants
SG Live has their own list of requirements for players, and the FFR organizers have added our own additional requirements to this list. These are the requirements for participants in the tournament:
Some players have asked what they will be allowed to use in the tournament. Of the concerns raised so far, the tournament will allow:
Qualifier races will be held over a Seven Week Timeframe. The days/times will be:
These times were made in an attempt to not conflict with ongoing Fall League, and also give a variance of times to help accommodate all timezones as best as possible.
Any questions can be directed to LuffyDV, BurtReynolds, and/or the FFR or SGLive discords.