2020 Winter Duckling Derby
Rules & Guidance
Hello all and welcome to the 2020 Winter Duckling Derby. This will be a 4 day event held over two weeks for those with the “duckling” role. The event will take place between January 13th and 26th on Saturdays and Sundays at 9pm est. each day of the race will have a different flags set which will be posted below.
All FFr tournament races will use SRL (speedrunlive), if you don’t know have SRL set up, message me and I’ll get you set up. SRL has a set of rules that we follow for all races that are as follows. All 4 races will be restreamed on the Speed Gaming family of networks, we will make sure that all participants that want to be restreamed will get a restream:
We will be using a “Mario Kart” based scoring system as follows
If we have more than 12 racers, 13th and beyond will get 0 points. All forfeits will also get 0 points, so please try to finish the race. We will use your results in SRL to determine your points and update them in a spread sheet after the race is completed.