Zeno's Mystery Weekend
2021 Mystery Seed Event
Rules & Guidance
Welcome to Zeno's SEKRET MYSTERIOUS WEEKEND EVENT! On July 10th and 11th, we will be having 8 racers compete in a 1v1, single-elimination, mystery seed tournament.
What is a mystery seed, you might ask? You have no idea! The flags will be expertly crafted by hand-picked creators, and nobody (including Zen0bian) will have any idea what they are. You have to figure out the flags as you play through the seed! Discovering factors of experience or boss scaling could play a big role in how you approach the Temple of Fiends. (Don't forget to check for class blurses either!)
The match schedule will be locked from the start, so please take note if you intend to participate.
Mystery Tournament Rules
Signups will open today and close 7/5. If more than 8 participants sign up, we will host a Mystery Seed async race to determine the top 8 racers. The seed will be designed by a non-participant and will be available from 7/6-7/9.
If a participant has also contributed a seed, they will not race the seed they contributed. (They are welcome to cast it).
Once the top 8 participants are determined, a short RNG stream will occur to determine match pairings. Please be sure to mark on the signup form which time slot or slots work best for you.
No stream delay is required during races. Also don't cheat.