2022 Spring Archipelago Tournament
Rules & Guidance
Welcome to the 2022 Spring Archipelago Tournament! This tournament will be a celebration of two loved games in the community: Final Fantasy and Timespinner randomizers. Compete for fame, glory, and currency!
The Basics of the Tournament
The format for this tournament will be 2v2 double elimination beginning March 1st, 2022. Teams will be made of no more than 3 players and once a person is on a team, they can not play for another team in that tournament. Registration for the tournament will be pinned in #tournament-discussion and will be open through February 27th, 2022.
Any questions or concerns can be addressed specifically to @Tournament Staff.
How this all works
On February 28th, 2022, registration will be closed and the initial brackets will be rolled. For transparency, all bracket reveals will be streamed on twitch.tv/finalfantasyrandomizer using a magic wheel then posted to #tournament-discussion. Teams will schedule their race using the spreadsheet pinned in the same channel. After a bracket is rolled, teams will have 5 days to schedule and complete their race. Within 8 hours of all races being complete, the next bracket will be rolled and the 5 day timer starts again. After the initial bracket, subsequent brackets will match teams against other teams with the same record, rerolling possible match ups if two teams have already competed against one another. After a team loses 2 matches, they are eliminated; brackets will continue to be made until only 2 teams are left standing. Those two teams will compete in a best 2 out of 3 finals match. If three teams are remaining with identical records, they will participate in a 2v2v2 match with the top two teams moving on to the finals.
Setting up a match
Once brackets are revealed, each team will know their opponent. They will work out with each other when they will race and schedule it using the spreadsheet pinned in #tournament-discussion. 45 minutes before a match will begin, a tournament room on racetime.gg will be opened by tournament staff with a link posted in #race-announcements. All players will join the room no later than 30 minutes before the scheduled race start. 20 minutes prior to race start, the tournament staff will roll an archipelago seed and post it for each team in the racetime.gg chat. The race will begin at the scheduled start time and will be recorded by tournament staff after completion.
Final Fantasy Randomizer
Timespinner Randomizer
Player name will be Timespinner. Settings will be in normal mode.The Timespinner player will be considered finished upon defeating Nightmare. Rules (same as SGLive 2021):
The prizes for the tournament will be per team and as follows:
The payouts will all be completed through matcherino. You will need a free account with them.
AP Settings
The AP settings used will be auto forfeit on completion and hints costing 15%.Collect and Remaining will be disabled.
If requested, we will attempt to find a crew and channel for restreaming a match. If you would like to help out with either comms, tracking, or restreaming, we will be posting a call out for volunteers sometime before the match takes place. If you are being restreamed, we ask the following:
Other Notes
All players in the tournament are expected to uphold the values of the Archipelago discord. Any violations of the code of conduct including cheating or other unsportsmanlike conduct will be addressed and violators will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including disqualification from the tournament. We are here to have fun and cheer on our fellow racers, so let’s make this a great tournament!
How will we know when brackets are posted?
Each racer will have the tournament role assigned to them and will be pinged when each round’s bracket is available for viewing. Brackets will be on a google spreadsheet with each round being a new page - this sheet will be posted in #tournament-discussion.
How will 3rd place be determined?
If there is an obvious 3rd place they will receive the award. If not, a single 2v2 match will be scheduled to determine that.
How will byes work?
If there are an odd number of teams, there will be a bye granted. A bye will be considered a win and will be rolled randomly during the bracket reveals. Every effort will be made to ensure no single team gets more than 1 bye. After the first round, byes will be randomed within the odd numbered record. For example, with 11 teams, one bye will be granted in the first round. This will result in 6 teams at 1-0 and 5 teams at 0-1. For the second round, only a 0-1 team will have a chance for a bye.
How will racetime.gg work for the races?
All racers will join the race and the cumulative fastest team time will be declared the winner.
Team 1 times: Player 1 - 65 minutes; Player 2 - 80 minutes
Team 2 times: Player 1 - 75 minutes; Player 2 - 75 minutes
We take the combined scores (Team 1 = 65+80 and Team 2 = 75+75). Team 1’s combined time is 145 minutes while Team 2’s is 150 minutes. Team 1 is declared the winner.
What happens if the race ends up really close?
If there are 0-3 seconds between teams after final time is calculated, all racers will have their races retimed by tournament staff (rounded to the nearest second). After the official retime, if the teams are within 1 second of each other, it will be considered a tie. For any round, this will prompt a rerace with a different seed. In a non final round, if another time can not be found to rerace, it will be considered .5 win and .5 loss.
Will any races be restreamed?
We’d like the finals to be broadcast at a minimum, but depending on schedule we will attempt to restream races on a request basis. For all non-finals matches there will be no promises but we will make every effort.
What happens if my team and my opponents can’t find a time to schedule a match within the 5 day time limit?
We understand that it may be difficult to schedule matches, but with the number of teams we expect, it’s important to set a limit on time so this tournament doesn’t drag on for months. That said, if no time during the 5 day period can be agreed to by both teams, the tournament admins will schedule the race. If any team can not make the race, it will be considered a forfeit and a loss.
Why can we have 3 people per team when it’s 2v2?
It makes scheduling so much easier with a third person. It is not required, but recommended.
Are we allowed to make roster changes during the tournament?
Each team is allowed 3 players and 1 change during the tournament. For example, if one player becomes unable to continue competing, they may be officially replaced by another player. The removed player will not be able to compete for the remainder of the tournament. Players will only be able to compete with 1 team per tournament. With money involved, only official members will be considered for payment.
Why are brackets rolled after each round?
Teams will compete against other teams with the same record. So every round, the brackets need to be randomized to accommodate that.
What time zone are races scheduled using?
Eastern Standard Time (EST).
I want to play but I don’t know anyone well enough to ask to partner up. Can I still participate?
Absolutely! Now is the perfect time to make friends and there is a channel dedicated to this: #looking-for-a-partner. If there are an abundance of people on the list, we will make an effort to play matchmaker.
Can we use custom sprites?
Absolutely (as long as they are not offensive or violate any code of conduct, nor change any gameplay). If being restreamed, we ask that the FFR player with custom sprites name their characters after their class.
What spots should our game be at before a race begins?
Before hitting ready in the race room, you will connect to AP and proceed to the last screen before the game starts. In Timespinner, that would be on the screen that says “Start Game on Normal (or similar).” For FFR, after you choose your party and name them but before being in the overworld. For simplicity, the answer is you will be one button push away from actually starting the game.