Spellcrafter generates a whole new spellbook for the game, with spells appropriate to the level where they are generated. This allows for a lot of strategic decisions, and a more fair randomization of magic that takes into account game balance. The Spellcrafter is compatible with all existing randomizer features and accounts for both item magic and enemy spell lists, replacing each enemy spell with a spell of similar strength (judged by the same standards Enemizer uses to gauge enemy spells).
Mixing spellbooks allows for white spells to appear in black magic, and vice versa. The exceptions are EXIT and WARP, which will always appear in white or black magic respectively, in order to preserve some game balance by allowing each school of magic a teleportation spell.
If Magic Level Shuffle is off, the numbers mean roughly what you would expect them to mean: ICE2 is stronger than ICE, ICE3 is stronger than ICE2, and so on. If Magic Level Shuffle is on, then all spells display the spell tier those spells originally landed on before the shuffle, so the player will be able to judge that spell's strength and knows how many other spells of that tier remain in the rest of the world.
Here goes...
METO/MET - Earth AoE damage
LIT - Lightning AoE damage, or level 1-2 single target
ICE - Ice AoE damage, or level 1-2 single target
FIRE/FIR - Fire AoE damage, or level 1-2 single target
NECR/NEC - Death AoE damage
TIME/TIM - Time AoE damage
GAS - Poison AoE damage
PAIN/PAN - Status-element AoE damage
FADE/FAD - Level 3-5 AoE non-elemental damage, white magic
HOLY/HLY - Level 6+ AoE or single-target non-elemental damage, white magic
BOMB/BOM - Level 3-5 AoE non-elemental damage, black magic
NUKE/NUK - Level 6+ AoE or single-target non-elemental damage, black magic
ROCK/ROK - Earth single-target damage
BOLT/BLT - Lightning single target-damage, Level 3+
SNOW/SNO - Ice single-target damage, Level 3+
BURN/BRN - Fire single-target damage, Level 3+
ROT - Death single-target damage
RASP/RSP - Time single-target damage
BIO - Poison single-target damage
HURT/HRT - Status-element single target damage
WORD/WRD - Non-elemental single target damage, white magic, Levels 1-5
MG.M/M.M - Non-elemental single target damage, black magic, Levels 1-5
DIA - Damage Undead
CONF/CNF - Confusion spell (can be single target or AoE)
CHRM/CHM - Confusion spell with some extra effect
MUTE/MUT - Silencing spell
DARK/DRK - All Darkness-inflicting spells (standard and HP < 300)
HOLD/HLD - Status-element paralysis
STOP/STP - Time-element paralysis
HALT/HLT - Non-elemental paralysis
TNGL/TGL - Earth-elemental paralysis
SLEP/SLP - All Sleep-inflicting spells (standard and HP < 300)
CRYO/CRY - Ice-elmental stoning
BRAK/BRK - Poison-elemental stoning
QAKE/QAK - Earth-elemental death
VOLT/VLT - Lightning-elemental death
RUB - Death-elemental... well, death
ZAP!/ZAP - Time-elmental death
BANE/BAN - Poison-elemental death
DOOM/DOM - Non-elemental death
SLOW/SLO - All slowing spells
FEAR/FEA - Morale-reducing spells
HEAL/HEL - AoE healing
CURE/CUR - Single-target healing
VOX - All silence-curing spells (these spells also cure confusion, sleep, and paralysis)
PURE/PUR - All poison-curing spells (these spells also cure darkness and paralysis)
GARD/GRD - Self-cast armor up
FOG - Single or Multi target armor up
WALL/WAL - Resist all elements
ALIT/ALT - Resist lightning
AICE/AIC - Resist ice
AFIR/AFR - Resist fire
APSN/APS - Resist poison
ASTA/AST - Resist status-element
AMAG/AMG - Resist multiple elements, may be multi or single target depending on how many elements are resisted
QUIK/QIK - Double number of hits, self-cast
FAST/FST - Double number of hits, single or multi-target (only level 8 FAST will be multi-target)
SABR/SBR - Self-cast attack up
TMPR/TMP - Single or Multi target attack up
LOCK/LOK - Evade down
RUSE/RUS - Self-cast evade up
INVS/INV - Single or Multi target evade up
XFER/XFR - Remove resistances
MUDL/MDL - Power word confusion, HP < 300 inflicts status (this is always status-elemental)
AVOX/AVX - Power word silence, HP < 300 inflicts status (this is always TIME-elemental, so it works on undead too)
STUN/STU - Power word paralysis (this is always status-elemental)
CRAK/CRK - Power word kill, earth-elemental (this is multitarget and only occurs at level 8)
XXXX/XXX - Power word kill, death-elemental
KILL/KIL - Power word kill, non-elemental and works on EVERYTHING (this only occurs at level 8)
This is another big one and there are a lot of considerations, but here are some of the important ones:
Characters in (base) spellcrafter can find themselves unable to learn variants of spells they can learn in the vanilla game. This is a combination of blocked slots and blocked spells, as chosen by the spellcrafter system itself. If you'd prefer to be able to tell, at a glance, what spells a character can use, we recommend you turn on "Retain Permissions" when activating spellcrafter, which will defeault all classes to the same learnable spell slots they'd have in the vanilla game (much as the base randomizer does for each class).
If you do use the permissions set out in base spellcrafter, here are some general rules:
Item magic uses the same function Item Magic Randomization uses to assign item names, and all items are necessarily reassigned by Spellcrafter. However, instead of just randomly assigning spells, Spellcrafter restricts the selection of spells that can appear on items and guarantees that some items will always have particular spells. For example, the Defense Sword will always cast RUSE or an equivalent spell, the Power Gauntlet will always cast SABR, the Heal Helmet will always cast HEAL, and FIR2/LIT2/ICE2 will always be placed on appropriate items. The remaining items can draw from a limited pool of spells for random effects, and are restricted from any truly powerful spells like NUKE or HOLY.