Candy-Coated Carnage
2022 Fall League
Rules & Policies
Welcome to the 2021 FFR Fall League. This is our yearly event that pits teams of racers against each other for a chance at glory. The Fall League is a six-week event, the first four of which are open to all teams, with semi-finals and finals taking place in weeks five and six respectively. We invite all interested players to come and join the league, form a team, and get ready for the delightful chaos of this year’s event.
The Basics of the League:
Players will group up in teams of four (4), no more or less. Each week of the league will feature different flags (listed below in the “Schedule” section) and four races of that flagset (with different seeds) each week. Each player on the team must race once each week (and only once unless prior approval is given that week by the Fall League Staff).
During the first four weeks, the League will be open to all teams. Once the first four weeks are over, points will be totalled and the top four teams will then compete in Week 5 for semi-finals (all other teams are, at this point, out of the League). At the end of Week 5, scores are totalled again and the top two teams will complete in the “Gold Medal” match, while the other two teams of week five can complete, if they so choose, in a “Bronze Medal” match. There is no plan, at this juncture, for a “victory lap” bonus race after the League is over.
Dates and times for the specific games will be settled closer to League start. A “sign up form & scheduling survey” is posted and will allow teams to register for the League and state what dates and times (from a full range) they are available to play.
Scoring for the races will be handled via “bins” (meaning that players that come within a certain amount of time from each other will score the same amount of points). This helps to “flatten” the scoring curve and keep competitive teams within closer distance of each other.
How the Scores Work:
With 12+ simultaneous racers going each race, each week, we wanted a system that would allow the top spots to earn a meaningful amount of points while keeping the middle of the field very competitive.
Scoring System:
Note that additional points will be awarded for:
Tournament Schedule
Races are spread across four days during the week, each with their own specific time. These days/times will comprise a set schedule for the League for the first five weeks of the League. The week six schedule will be up to the player schedules and their availability.
The League will start with a “Reveal Stream” on Sept. 10, 2021. Games will then start that week (based on the day settled up from the signup form & scheduling survey). The full League will run six weeks, and proceed as:
The current schedule will allow a full week between the end of the League and the start of SG Live “seeding qualifiers”, giving all players a chance to rest before that mini-event begins.
Tournament Flags (Updated to 4.2.2)
For Floaterless Classic, one character in the player’s team will be forced (the “Captain” of the team), and one character class will be barred (forced to “walk the plank”). This is in homage to the “Sail the High Seas” flags from Spring Tournament 2019.
For the Spoiler Week, all four seeds that week are posted above. Players are able to play the seeds and see where all the secrets lie. Looking at the spoiler log (but not Hackster or other hacking tools), playing the seed ahead of time, taking notes, and planning out your route with the other players on your team is allowed. Play functions the same as any other week of the league, except now you know where everything is and can go as fast as possible. One seed will be run on each of the four days of the League that week with no repeats so plan accordingly.
For the “Rally” week, the seed (which will be rolled the night of right before the race) will be run “co-op style”, 4v4 on a single night. All players from both teams will run the same seed and all will need to be in the race room, online, and ready to run for race start. They’ll get the seed, set up their party, go to the overworld, and “ready up”. The trick here is that only one person from the team will start playing at race start (with player order chosen by the team); the other three will be “waiting their turn”, sitting on the sidelines, watching (via discord) and taking (shared) notes. When the first player (call them Player A for the sake of this discussion) kills their first fiend (any fiend), Player B on their team gets to go. Player A and B continue playing and and when Player B kills the second fiend (they need to light a second orb, any orb, and while they can also kill the first fiend as well, that doesn’t count), Player C gets to start (Player A killing a second fiend also does not count). All three players continue to play, and when Player C kills the third fiend (lighting a third orb, and not killed by Player A or Player B), Player D gets to start. All four then continue playing, and once Player D kills the last fiend (lighting the last orb, and not killed by Player A, B, or C), the players are all then allowed to light the Black Orb, enter the final dungeon, and hunt down the final boss. The team is finished when all four players kill the final boss.
Please note that during the “Rally” week, players are allowed to sit in discord and not only chat with each other in a voice room but also share their screens (to assist with taking notes and planning out routing) and your notes. They are not allowed to watch other teams, nor may they take their rom into Hackster and check it over for spoilers. This flagset is intended for Co-Op and, as such, will require the use of the co-op script and the emulator that can use that script, Bizhawk.
Last year the winning team simply got a “champion” title on the Discord and bragging rights. This year, for the winning team, all four members will get a free stream layout (designed by DarkmoonEX), if they desire it.
Requirements for Participants
If you are selected for the restream the following additional conditions apply:
If you do not want to follow these rules do not volunteer for a restream. You can participate in the tournament without taking part in the restreams.
Some players have asked what they will be allowed to use in the tournament. Of the concerns raised so far, the tournament will allow:
Note: you cannot use the turbo button or bind it to any buttons on a controller.