All Hallows' League
2020 Fall League
Rules & Guidance
The schedule for every week, times in EST:
The FFR community proudly presents a new Final Fantasy Randomizer League!
Before we get to the details, if you would like to enter our league, you are required to join our Final Fantasy Randomizer discord server here:
Tournament Format and Flags
The League will consist of six weeks of competition. The first 4 weeks will consist of the “regular season”, with the final 2 weeks consisting of the “playoffs”.
This will be a team league. Each league will have 4 team members. Only one member per team can compete in any weekly race, meaning that the team should decide ahead of time which team members are able to race on which nights. We will allow a runner from a team to race twice ONLY if a teammate cannot race at all due to vacations/unforeseen circumstances and if the team member in question contacts us first.
Points will be rewarded for position on a given race using a Mario Kart style point system with actual value dependent on the size of the groups..
At the end of the week, the totals for each player on a team will be summed and represent the total points for that team. Additional points will be rewarded to participants for volunteering to restream, track, or commentate a race. A maximum of 1 point per racer, per role, per week. Example: if a racer commentates, restreams, and tracks a race – they will earn an additional 3 points for their team for the week. Additionally, there is a cap of 4 volunteer points per team for any given week.
At the end of 4 weeks of group races, the 4 teams with the highest point totals will move into the bracket/playoff stage. Rankings within the bracket will be determined by point totals from the regular season.
The first week of brackets will be races in pods of 4, with each member of a team being assigned a letter (A, B, C, or D) and those 4 players organizing their own race for the week 5 flags. Scoring for Week 5 will be separate from the prior 4 weeks for determining advancement.
At the end of week 5, the two teams with the lowest score are eliminated. If there is a tie between teams, whichever team scored higher during the regular 4 weeks will advance. If there is still a tie, a coinflip will determine the team that advances.
Week 4 Format
For each race date in week 4 the races will operate as follows. All participants will join a race room as normal. In that race room, three seeds will be rolled instead of the normal one. The seeds will be listed in order of 1, 2 and 3, remember to order them as such before you run them (for the benefit of the broadcast and anybody watching). The hash for all 3 seeds will be confirmed prior to race start. Once the race begins runners will start the first listed seed as normal. Once they have terminated the alternate final boss, they will start a 1 minute idle timer. At the end of that one minute idle timer they may begin the second listed seed. Players may spend this time naming their party in preparation for the next seed but may NOT advance to the world map, that 1 minute timer will serve as your next “Go” timer as though you were starting a fresh race. After the second listed seed is complete, there will be an additional 1 minute idle timer to prepare for the third listed seed. Once the third listed seed is complete, .done in the race room for your final time. MAKE SURE THAT YOU OBSERVE THE 1 MINUTE IDLE TIME BETWEEN SEEDS. Failure to adhere to the full minute of idle time will result in a 2 minute penalty to your race time per infraction in that race day (up to a maximum of 4 minutes).
Week 6 Format
For week 6 the competition will be a 4v4 co-op between the two remaining teams using the Week 6 flagset. Please be sure that you have BizHawk installed and that you have the co-op script downloaded prior to the start of the race. If you have difficulties setting this up, please contact tournament staff for assistance.
Once the final two teams have been determined, the 8 players will organize a day and time for all of them to meet and race.
For this last week, each team will share a voice chat channel between their own members. Screen sharing is not allowed however you may share written notes with each other as well as communicate verbally about information regarding the seed. For a team to finish all four team members must defeat chaos before typing the “?done” in the race room.
Flags and Scoring
Regular Season Flags
Regular Season Scoring
Week 5 Scoring
Tiebreaker Races
If any race ties occur in week 5 or 6, there will be a tiebreaker race. The tiebreaker race will use the same flags as the flags for the week and will be organized by the runner (or runners) that tied. A tie is defined as a recorded finish within 5 seconds of your opponent.
Game Rules:
All games must use SpeedRunsLive (SRL) or use the FFR Bot on the FF1R Discord. If you have not signed up, please visit their site to do so. All players must stream their matches with a 10 minute (600 second) delay. We recommend saving your streams locally in case you lose connection to Twitch. You may use a console or an approved emulator to play. All races are blind. The winner will be determined by RaceBot with two exceptions: technical difficulties by a runner or SRL, or the race is decided by 5 seconds or less. In these cases, the runners may agree on a result. If they do not agree, an administrator will time the race on both streams, then declare a result. If the margin of victory is determined to be 1.0 seconds or less, a draw will be declared and the points will be split between the two runners, unless the race in question determines who advances in the playoffs, then a tiebreaker race will be played, described above.
If it is technical issues prohibiting the completion of a race for an individual in a group race, a reschedule can be scheduled if all members in the group agree to do so.
If you are having extreme difficulty with a seed in the first 20 minutes of a race, you are to PM your restreamer or a designated judge and request a reseed. If all runners in a race do this, the designated person will declare a reseed.
No cheating is allowed in this tournament. This includes a non-exhaustive list of the following: the use of programs that inspect ROMs, looking at your competitor’s stream to see where items are or their progress, looking at a restream, or hacking of the RAM to give you items, experience, or gold or to manipulate the statistics of enemies, weapons, etc. Any cheating discovered will result in penalties ranging from a time penalty, forfeit of the match, or instant disqualification from this tournament and an indefinite ban from future randomizer tournaments. There may be additional bans of randomizer tournaments in other games as well.
You are welcome to use your chat during the race, but you must take steps to avoid seeing spoilers and backseating. You can do this by mentioning on your stream that assistance is not permitted (we recommend moderators that can quickly delete assistance) or by switching your chat to emote only for your races.
Accidental forfeits: If you accidentally forfeit, please re-enter within 60 seconds of the forfeit. If the 60 seconds elapse, or you forfeit three times in a race, the forfeit will be official and you will get last place points.
Forfeits due to technical issues: If somebody has a technical issue that results in a forfeit, all opponents may accept the result (upon completing the seed) or may request a rematch. If one opponent wishes to accept the result, the result stands. It will not be considered poor sportsmanship to accept the result.
SPECIAL LEAGUE RULES: Any spoilers in SRL chat between the start and end of the race may result in penalties including, but not limited to, forfeiture of points earned for the race and disqualification from the league, depending on severity and frequency. (Do not use the .comment command until all racers have finished.) Other SRL chat is permitted by the runners, but remember: please no spoilers until the race ends! If you are unsure what is and is not a spoiler, we recommend taking discussion to the #post-race-spoilers-discussion channel.
If you are a league participant and are in an SRL room for a race in which you are not participating, and if you chat while a race in that room is in progress, which includes ANY command, you may receive penalties up to disqualification from the league, depending on severity and frequency.
If you are not a league participant, but you are a volunteer via restreaming, commentary, or tracking, and if you do the same, you will be subject to penalties up to and including expulsion from volunteering in future FFR events. EXCEPTIONS: If you are the designated person who is declaring reseeds, you may violate this rule only to declare this ONLY if all runners have PM’d you requesting a reseed. If you are a volunteer in a race, you may also offer interview requests to the runners in SRL chat.
Disputes: If there are any disputes, the league commissioners will make the final decision. If the dispute involves a commissioner directly, an alternate judge will be chosen to make the final decision. Most disciplinary actions will be made public, especially with regards to changing a match result or disqualification from the tournament.
Match Procedure
We will place you in a special Discord room in the FFR Discord with your opponents so you can agree to a time for your match. We ask that you ping “League Organizer” when the time is agreed to.
So your race begins on time, please make it to your match at least 10 minutes early so the restreamer has time to setup and crop your stream. If you are over 10 minutes late to your race and you give no prior notice, you may be forced to forfeit the match.
.startrace ffhacks - Starts a race
.enter - Join the race
.ready - Ready to begin the race
.done - Use this command when you defeat Chaos or Final Alt Boss (depending on the flags for the week).
.quit - In case something arises and you have to forfeit the race.
.undone - In case you accidentally typed .done or .quit.
Restreaming / Commentary
All runners will have the option to have their matches restreamed in the regular season. All matches in the playoffs MUST be restreamed. Most streams will take place on SpeedGaming, Randomania, or RPG Limit Break, but the runners may agree to a different channel if they prefer.
For restreamers: All restreamers should have their restreams set up and started before the agreed race time. “Gatekeeping” is allowed up to 5 minutes beyond the scheduled start time of the race. If that time is reached OR set up is complete, regardless of the agreed race time, they must “.quit” the race. At that point, the runners may begin the race. If you are forced to “.quit” at 5 minutes beyond the scheduled start time, this means that the restream will have to start with the race already in progress. The runners may agree to continue to wait for the restreamer to be ready, but if one runner wants to start the race, the race must begin.
Volunteering: It is very valuable and appreciated by our runners to have their races restreamed, as well as having commentary by two people during their race. If you think you can do a decent job in either, we strongly recommend that you sign up for this privilege. Commentators will be selected at a rotating basis based on availability of the commentators. If you are interested, please note that you need to try to be as neutral as possible. Predictions are totally allowed, but "rooting for a competitor" is a big no-no. Additionally, if a commentator thinks that anyone has committed a violation, we ask that you do not announce that on the restream or any competitor's channel. Instead, we ask for you to message an administrator of the possible foul and let them handle it.
Spectator Rules
Spectators are allowed to chat in a competitor's channel, but once they enter the restream, they should not go back to a runner's channel for the remainder of the match. No spectator in a competitor's channel is allowed to give information that gives a competitor an advantage. This includes a non-exhaustive list of the following: backseating, giving information about their opponents' progress or giving information about where items are found. You are also not allowed to mention possible violations of the rules on any competitor's channel during a race.(Please message an administrator if you think a violation has occurred) Penalties will range from warnings to a chat ban from all channels involved in the tournament for the remainder of the tournament.
All spectators are allowed to discuss anything (within normal chat rules) in a restreamed channel with one exception: if they think that a violation has been committed by a competitor, please refrain from mentioning it on the channel. Instead, please message an administrator of the possible foul, and let them handle it.
Please contact a league organizer if you have any questions with regards to this tournament.